Biden’s Democracy Agenda Just Died an Ugly Death in Kabul.
■タリバンが来たら殺される、と米兵に助けを求める少女"You're our family. Please help"
— Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih) August 18, 2021
This young Afghan woman is begging an American soldier at the airport to save her. This breaks my heart because I know that the American government gave them hope, but is now leaving them alone and hopeless. This is called betrayal. pic.twitter.com/EhVcNgNFyq

2025年3月11日号(3月4日発売)は「進化し続ける天才ピアニスト 角野隼斗」特集。ジャンルと時空を超えて世界を熱狂させる新時代ピアニスト、29歳の「軌跡」