ドローンの平壌飛来で暗殺の危険感じた? 金正恩が警護体制を強化、韓国と戦争準備の懸念も
North Korea Beefing Up Security Amid Kim Jong Un Assassination Fears: Seoul
North Korea's defense ministry blamed South Korea's military for sending drones over its territory, state media KCNA said. It also stated the officials viewed the flights as political acts and a violation of the country's sovereignty https://t.co/ELWo8lXLcz pic.twitter.com/TagwZCWUov
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 28, 2024

2025年4月1日号(3月25日発売)は「まだ世界が知らない 小さなSDGs」特集。トランプの「逆風」をはね返す企業の努力が地球を救う