Remembering 9/11 Service Dogs

ビル崩壊現場で遺体捜索活動に従事し、2010年に亡くなった救助犬のライリー Preston Keres US Navy-REUTERS
(シャッツの最初のツイッター投稿)Every year as we move away from the events of 9/11, I find the images of the towers falling don't impact the way they use to. I now try to focus on individual stories from that day to help remind me of the emotions I felt. This year I want to focus on the dogs of 9/11 pic.twitter.com/8vFeAcntcp
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
<参考記事>「飼い主様を救え!」 必死に心肺蘇生術を施す犬のビデオが話題に
(現場に最後まで残った救助犬ブルターニュ。その後ハリケーン災害でも救助活動に参加した。2016年7月に死去)The most famous dog from that day was Bretagne. She was the last known SAR dog that was at ground zero. She also worked rescue missions at Katrina and Ivan. One of her greatest contributions was acting as a spokesperson for the dogs of 9/11. She died on June 7, 2016 pic.twitter.com/xNBH1fq555
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
Riley is the subject of the most famous K9 photo from 9/11. Riley was trained to find living people and was not trained to be a cadaver dog. Despite this he continued to work tirelessly. Riley passed away on 2/26/10 pic.twitter.com/zLQC60PP57
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
Appollo was the first dog at ground zero. He arrived on the seen 15 minutes after the attack. He nearly died from falling flames and only survived because he previously fell in water and was still wet. He died in November of 2006 pic.twitter.com/25RQ2lKqH4
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
Trakr was driven down from Nova Scotia by his handler. He found the last known survivor from ground zero, Genelle Guzman. When his handler, Symington, was seen on TV by his department in Canada, he was suspended for leaving without permission. Trakr died in April of 09 pic.twitter.com/Dsf2H9H953
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
Sirius is the only known K9 death. He was an explosive detection K9. He was in the S tower when the N tower was hit. His handlers last words to him were, "I think we're in a lot of trouble. I will be back for you." His handler locked him in his kennel before helping victims. pic.twitter.com/9JeuAh8xy2
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
Worf found the remains of two firefighters on his first day. He was immediately retired because he emotionally shutdown and quit eating. "He kind of withdrew from everything. There was so much death there, it was emotional for the dogs." - Mike Owens his handler pic.twitter.com/xqQvQyrDK3
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日
Ricky was the smallest SAR dog at ground zero. This was crucial for search operations as he could reach spots other dogs couldn't. He would frequently go places his handler couldn't see. He worked 10 days straight on the night shift. pic.twitter.com/vCu4Dul2Sl
— Clays & Birds (@ClaysandBirds) 2019年9月11日