My Reading Resolution
だから、あなたも一緒にいかが? 歯を磨き、よく食べ、運動をし、そして読書をしよう。
Bann, C. M., Bayen, U. J., McCormack, L. A., & Uhrig, J. D. (2006). Effects of Reading Habits, Reading Comprehension, and Memory Beliefs on Older Adults' Knowledge About Medicare. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 25(1), 49-64.
M. Gallucci, P. Antuono, F. Ongaro, P.L. Forloni, D. Albani, G.P. Amici, C. Regini, Physical activity, socialization and reading in the elderly over the age of seventy: What is the relation with cognitive decline? Evidence from "The Treviso Longeva (TRELONG) study", Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 48, Issue 3, 2009.
Chang, Yu-Hung et al., Reading activity prevents long-term decline in cognitive function in older people: evidence from a 14-year longitudinal study, International Psychogeriatrics, Volume 33, Issue 1, 63 - 74
Avni Bavishi, Martin D. Slade, Becca R. Levy, A chapter a day: Association of book reading with longevity, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 164, 2016.
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