Konstantin Zatulin, member of #Russia's #Duma, confirmed to UK's #SkyNews that #Belarus Pres #Lukashenko has been unwell.
— Ottawa Family Tree (@ottawafamtree) May 15, 2023
"The fact that he was sick was obvious even during the parade in Moscow," he said. "I know he is ill but I am not authorised to distribute his diagnosis." pic.twitter.com/L9RuIcwpVl
In an attempt to show he is totally not dead, Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko makes his first public appearance in nearly a week.
— max seddon (@maxseddon) May 15, 2023
He is talking about Russian planes and helicopters shot down last weekend, seemingly confirming this is not stock video to be released in his absence pic.twitter.com/N4acLrBrKy
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