Supercomposite氏はまず、俳優のマーロン・ブランドを、「ネガティブプロンプト」に設定してAIへ入力。すると「真逆の画像」として、「DIGITA PNTICS」というロゴを含んだ画像が表示された・・
I wondered: is the opposite of that logo, in turn, going to be a picture of Marlon Brando? I typed "DIGITA PNTICS skyline logo::-1" as a prompt. I received these off-putting images, all of the same devastated-looking older woman with defined triangles of rosacea(?) on her cheeks. pic.twitter.com/tnhBzWPHYf
— Supercomposite (@supercomposite) September 6, 2022