AOC's $58 'Tax the Rich' Sweatshirt Gets Ridiculed Mercilessly
「トランプグッズと民主党グッズの違いは何か? それは私たちのグッズは米国製だということだ」
Republicans are freaking out bc we don't use slave-wage labor for merch that funds grassroots organizing.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 3, 2020
But what's the difference between Trump's merch and ours?
Ours is made in the US.
(& for GOP who joke that we shld give for free, we actually do - just volunteer ) https://t.co/35DnbFYQyC
彼女を支持するツイートもある。「倫理的に製造された服なら65ドルは標準的な値段」と、「screaming into the void(空虚に向かって叫ぶ)」と名乗るユーザーは加勢している。
$65 is a standard price for an ethically sourced piece of clothing. It's still ugly tho lol https://t.co/aFs5V7W0ni
— screaming into the void (@inurheadlikepcp) December 3, 2020
these were made in the US by unionized workers who are paid living wages, thats sounds like supporting the little guy to me
— brubo (@brungini) December 3, 2020