On The Hottest Day Of The Year In London, Passengers Only Ride Air-Conditioned Tube Lines
The new @Citymapper feature to show routes with air con is saving my life in this #londonheatwave#productlove #ux pic.twitter.com/FIhxm87f3E
— Caroline Stretton (@caroline_stret) July 24, 2019
So with temperatures at 33C today, 34C tomorrow and 37C (!!) in London on Thursday - it's time to roll out what i produced last year, and that's the Air Conditioned Map of London! Please feel free to RT ... pic.twitter.com/uwiLGa0qNE
— Geoff Marshall (@geofftech) July 23, 2019
Hot Weather. On the hottest day of the year we need to look out for each other, look after ourselves, one another and our pets. We will get through this. Drink water and don't stay out in the sun. @allontheboard #hottestdayoftheyear #hottestdayonrecord #hotweather #HotHotHot pic.twitter.com/Ut4QAcvPWq
— All on the board (@allontheboard) July 25, 2019